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Status: New idea

I hope that the history function of the android app can become better. After a certain amount of time like today and yesterday. The rest is pretty useless like last 7 days. I hope that history can be divided into dates like some other browsers. Which makes it easier to understand on which date did you do something or from when till when you finished a book or series. Thank you

Status changed to: New idea
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Making moves

Grrrr I just came here because, after watching a few videos in YouTube using a more or less recent version of Android Firefox (with permanently set desktop user agent), I noticed that I could only find one properly labeled entry (with the video title) in history, two total, and nowhere to be seen the last one which I was watching and which I lost because of inadvertently touching somewhere in my screen and causing the dickass mini window to appear with a different video (piss off with such crap, piss off).

Calming down and back with the history function, it's a shame how badly it works (it misses links, seems to miss links of YouTube videos opened from floating links inside videos). It is also a shame how bad is the bookmarks function, very limited and enclosed when instead it should work whithin a tab (I reported about this years ago).

C'mon Mozilla devs, you can easily check how Chromium browsers do a lot better in history and bookmarks. Just copy how they do them, for the love of God. Thank you.