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Making moves
Status: New idea

No matter how many times I give a thumbs down to every single story in specific categories like parenting, home & garden, sports, and food, I still get served these stories. Over and over and over. Same goes for stories I give a thumbs up to — I don't see any more stories of the same type, just the same exact makeup every single day for months.

The thumbs up/down system is either a placebo or preferences are simply not weighted enough. At least allow me in the preferences for the homepage to select which categories to enable or disable, arrange them in a preference hierarchy, something. This should be a cool feature but right now it's just a chore.

Status changed to: New idea
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Making moves

Good idea. Would make using Pocket much more attractive.  


Thank you for sharing this feedback! I work on Firefox and wanted to let you know that we are in the process of improving this experience. We believe it is important to offer user controls, and will be building out more capabilities. Thank you for your patience as our work evolves!