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Strollin' around
Status: New idea

The one killer feature Safari on a Mac has that keeps me from fully embracing Firefox is its integration with Messages for two factor security codes sent via text. In Safari, you don't have to jump over to Messages to copy and comeback to paste the code into the field. A box drops down under the field you can click on to autofill the code right there on the webpage.

Does Firefox have this ability somewhere or are there plans to add it soon? I seem to have read that Apple allows third party apps to add this integration since Big Sur.

New member

+1 for this feature. IMO, you beat Chromium browsers to this and FireFox would get a huge bump in Mac usage.

New member

+1 for this feature. This is big.

Strollin' around

I second this. Literally the only thing keeping me on Safari on my mac is the autofill for mail & text 2FA codes. If FF could leverage that feature it would be the perfect cross platform browser.

Making moves

+1, if viable.

New member

Did +1, this is the only reason why I don't switch to Firefox on all my devices. Please implement this.

New member

Any legs on this? I'd love it.

New member

+1 this, seems like a nice creature comfort with minimal effort

New member

Would love to see this happen. Perhaps an addon/extension could enable it?