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What makes Firefox consume more battery on Android

Making moves

Firefox is a great browser and my favourite from long time. I recently upgraded to Android 14 phone and see Firefox consuming more battery life compared to other applications. I have signed out and not syncing to see if that improves. It did improve a bit, but still it is consuming higher battery than other browsers.

I do casual browsing and use multiple sites including X, chatgpt, various forums, news in this browser. I end up having 15+ tabs in 1 hr of browsing as it opens a new tab always whenever I go to a different site, even though that's not my intention to keep old tab open.

Battery consumption stats show around 20% of battery use for 1hr usage. In last 14 days, overall consumption of this app shows around 39% with 22hrs of usage.

This is the highest battery consumed app. Default chrome browser consumed around 10% with 10hrs of similar usage over 14 days.

I am using latest Firefox version on Android 14. I also tested many other browsers along side Firefox to see if I missed anything. I am only using unlock origin plugin and no other plugins installed.



Making moves

In fact, speed is probably the most important parameter, which for some reason is not considered so in Mozilla. They will add new features that 1% of browser users use, but work on speed only sometimes.

How do you convey to them that they need to be the FASTEST(and energyefficient) browser on the market to survive?