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Thunderbird Zoom problem

Making moves

Am currently using Thunderbird on v115.3.1.  For a couple of versions at least, attempting to zoom the text of an incoming mail using Ctrl/+ does nothing until I zoom once using the View menu, then Ctrl/+ works for subsequent zooms.


Edit:  I have found that the Ctrl/+ will start working just by opening and closing the View menu without even selecting Zoom from there.


Making moves

I'm running v115.4.1 for Linux and have the same problem. Tried what you mentioned in your edit (just clicking on view menu) and it starts working, too. Ctrl+scroll works and after doing that, the keyboard shortcut starts working also.


Making moves

I have also raised this on Bugzilla, but there has been no response so far.

This issue is broken on 15.5 as well. A real Irritant. Thanks for reporting this.

Making moves

A real hassle. I have many e-mails that I cant read unless I blow them up, which means I have to press many keys to do it like CTRL-V-Z then Enter, then CTRL-+ repeatedly for the right zoom. The next email defaults back to the original zoom to have to do all over again. It's bad when you've got 50 emails to open.  

Making moves

I'm on Fedora Linux 39 using Thunderbird 115.6.0 as a Flatpak and this issue is still present. The fix of just clicking on the View menu and then doing Ctrl/+ works, but what is working for sure is holding Ctrl while moving the mouse wheel up/down for zooming, so this is an alternate shortcut you could use. I'm on a touchpad so this is a little less convenient but still works.

Works also using Ubuntu 20.04. Thanks so much for posting that. I was just about to dump Thunderbird due to the broken ZOOM function and the frustration it causes. I may stick around and see if it is ever going to be fixed now that your workaround functions.

On my Windows 11 partition with the same version of Thunderbird Ctrl/+ also does not work, and you still need to hold Ctrl while scrolling. This is probably just a Thunderbird issue and not OS-related.

Not applicable

‎03-06-2024 11:18 AM

Does anyone know if there is any progress on fixing the Thunderbird C++ zoom issue that was broken by the auto upgrade to the 115 version. I am aware of the work-arounds like the two handed (C+scroll the mouse) and the (double click the view tab) required for each and every message you want to view. But so far only these crippled work-arounds exist. All are a pita and not a solution to the single hand C++ function.

There appears to be no activity around this, which I do not understand.

Maybe, if you are able to add your frustration to the Bugzilla report at:

something might happen.

Good Point... I shall visit your link and do that.

We are now at Thunderbird 115.8 and it has been broken since the original forced upgrade from 102 to the 115 version.

Making moves

I have added another post on the Bugzilla thread to try and prompt a response as there has been none whatsoever in the 5 months since my first report.

Thunderbird Team
Thunderbird Team

Good news, there is a fix on beta via bug 1853442 which may help you.

You can get the beta for testing from It can be installed run along side your current version 115.

Wayne, Community Manager, Thunderbird

Making moves

Thank you for that, sounds hopeful.  After all this time, I will wait for it to become part of a full release.

Making moves

I noticed that Zoom shortcut key CTRL++ only works after first using via view>zoom in menu ...

minor bug


Making moves

Still not working

Thunderbird Team
Thunderbird Team

Thanks for pointing this out, and sorry for the problems.  This is covered in - I will merge your issue into that.

Wayne, Community Manager, Thunderbird

Thunderbird Team
Thunderbird Team


Wayne, Community Manager, Thunderbird

Thunderbird Team
Thunderbird Team

This bug is solved in version 128.

Wayne, Community Manager, Thunderbird

Thank you.  So how long before we get from version 115.13.0 (current version for me, updated to that in the last few days) to version 128?

I have just updated to v128.0.1esr (32 bit) and this bug is not solved.  It is still not zooming without first selecting and deselecting the View menu.

Making moves

I would like to suggest an improvement that would obviate the need of completely fixing this keyboard shortcut: add a zoom bar to the reader pane, on the lower right (like Vivaldi browser has...) That can be more convenient than using a keyboard shortcut...