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TB folders not recognized after Yahoo intergration

Making moves

So COX has decided to not deal with email anymore and now Yahoo email is where they go.

I seem to have everything in order except some of my emails that have filters to go into specific folders is not working. They end up in either regular inbox or some even in spam. I get this message when one of those types of emails comes through.

The folder 'folder name' could not be found, so filter(s) associated with this folder will be disabled. Verify that the folder exists, and that filters point to a valid destination folder.

Anyone know what I have to do to get this all working again.


Making moves

I have an extensive folder structure and running into the same issue (I am using IMAP).

I can see my Thunderbird "Folder" file structure via Yahoo Mail web interface (In the sidebar listed as "Folders") but the file folder structure does not show up in Thunderbird (each folder in Yahoo mail is now prefaced with INBOX/...).

Via the web interface email sidebar I tried to to use the "Move folder" via the down arrow that shows up when clicking that specific filtered folder and it does not allow you to move back to the Inbox... only to other folders listed within the sidebar "Folders".

If using IMAP why don't my "Folders" that show up in Yahoo Mail show up in Thunderbird?

I hope there is a workaround for this issue.

Making moves

OK... I found a workaround.

Recreate one of your sub-folders via Thunderbird "Inbox" and it will appear in the Yahoo Web Mail interface sidebar under "Folders". Then you can move the "INBOX/..." folder to "Inbox". I removed the "INBOX/" so the folder has just my original folder name.

Then you must go back to Thunderbird > Tools > Message Folders and select "Filter name" > Edit button and re-select the correct folder to move your message(s) to.

Hope this helps.

Making moves

To fix email filter issues after switching to Yahoo from COX, ensure folders exist as per filters. If folders don't match, filters deactivate, causing emails to divert incorrectly. Verify folder names match filter settings. If discrepancy found, adjust filter settings accordingly. Additionally, check spam settings, as misclassification may occur. Adjust filters to accommodate Yahoo's system for seamless email organization.