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Sidebar and vertical tabs: release channel experimentation


Hi folks, 

Over the next couple of months, we will be testing an updated sidebar, its tools, and vertical tabs in the release version of Firefox (remember, a while back, we asked you to try it out in Nightly 131, and we appreciated your feedback and encouragement in this Connect thread). If you are using the release version, you might get early access to these features and get a nudge to try them out.

Only a portion of users in Firefox releases 133 and 134 will see this experience, helping us evaluate and improve the features. If you’re part of the experiment, we’d love for you to try this early version and share your thoughts. 

We’re also working on many improvements you’ve requested, including: 

  • Easier ways to close tabs in the collapsed sidebar.
  • Expanding the sidebar on hover.
  • Reducing space used by tools in the expanded sidebar.
  • Visually and functionally polishing the sidebar tools panels and browser layout in the vertical tabs mode. 

As usual, we appreciate your patience as we iron out the rough spots in the experience. If you’re not ready to engage with these new features, you can disable them in the sidebar settings or opt out from the experiment via about:studies.

If you are are having trouble figuring out how to disable the sidebar, please follow these steps:

1. Locate the gear icon with the Customize sidebar label at the bottom of the sidebar and click on it.

2. Set the Sidebar button setting to Show and hide sidebar.

3. Click the sidebar button in the toolbar to hide the sidebar (it is highlighted in the second screenshot).

4. Right-click the sidebar icon and choose the Remove from toolbar option.

Set Sidebar button setting to "Show and hide sidebar"Set Sidebar button setting to "Show and hide sidebar"Click the sidebar button in the toolbar to hide the sidebarClick the sidebar button in the toolbar to hide the sidebarRight click the sidebar icon choose "Remove from toolbar" option.Right click the sidebar icon choose "Remove from toolbar" option.

If you have already removed the sidebar button from the toolbar and are stuck with the sidebar visible, but no toolbar button to close it:

1. Right-click the toolbar and choose the Customize toolbar option.

2. Drag the sidebar icon back to the toolbar and click Done in the lower right corner.

3. Once the sidebar button is back in your toolbar, click it to close the sidebar.

4. Right-click the sidebar icon and choose the Remove from toolbar option.

Sidebar expanded with no sidebar button visibleSidebar expanded with no sidebar button visibleReturn the sidebar button via Customize toolbarReturn the sidebar button via Customize toolbarScreen Shot 2024-12-02 at 4.28.42 PM.pngClose the sidebar, right-click the sidebar button and remove it.Close the sidebar, right-click the sidebar button and remove it.


149 REPLIES 149

I only have one doctorate, but those instructions were also useless for me. The way to remove it is go to about:config and set sidebar.revamp to false.

Familiar face

我想要一个功能将 identity 选项卡固定到侧边栏。我在打开网站时使用“Private”身份选项卡,我希望能够更快地访问此选项卡,因此我需要此功能

Familiar face

I want a feature to pin the identity tab to the sidebar. I use the "Private" identity tab when I open a website, and I want to be able to access this tab more quickly, so I need this feature

Making moves

I am the same person as "nixieff," who appears very rarely on Mozilla Support's community forums. I was one of a lucky few users to be on-boarded onto the new sidebar via Firefox 133. I have two questions at this time (perhaps I will have more later; we'll see where we go from here).

1. When viewing your history in the old sidebar, you have options to organise your history by date, site, date and site, most visited, and last visited. However, when viewing your history in the new sidebar, you are only able to organise your history by date and site. Why is this the case? (I have a conflict of interest because I've organised my history by last visited for around a decade and am disappointed to see this option be removed with the new update.)

2. I believe that the sidebar has been introduced to facilitate the new AI Chatbot tool (because the Firefox Support page about the sidebar - - now tells people to go to an article entitled "Enable AI chatbots in Firefox" to learn more about the new sidebar). However, this implies completely redesigning the sidebar to make way for a single button. Is there any reason why AI Chatbots cannot instead be accessed from the toolbar at the top of the screen? (It could drop down from the toolbar onto the page, like clicking the Pocket or Library buttons do.)

Making moves

Hello. I would to share some thoughts on my usage of the sidebar feature:

There's a maximum space set for the pinned tabs but maybe we could have an option to adjust that or let the tabs just take their regular space without the need for a scrollbar, with just the Separator indicating which tabs are pinned or not.


We're working on making sure you can "pull" the separator down, so you can decide for yourself how much space pinned tabs should occupy, but it will take some time to get that to the release channel.

Making moves

I really like the addition of vertical tabs. Is there a way to expand the vertical tabs to see titles via keyboard shortcut?

Thank you!

We're currently looking for one here and if we can find a not-yet-used-one, we'll make it happen.

Making moves

Maybe better to put that effort in make keyboard-shortcuts user-editable?

Kind regards and thanks a lot! ❤️

Making moves

Thanks.  I ?think? the problem somehow self-corrected after I logged in to Mozilla in order to be able to post my original comment -- because after my comment appeared and I returned to my home screen, the horizontal tab bar had been restored. 

Maybe in the future I will find a use for the vertical sidebar; but right now it's confusing for moving from tab to tab, so I prefer sticking with what I know.  Too much of my life is spent adapting to new layouts and features when all I want to do is be efficient with the tools I'm already familiar with. That's why I've stuck with Firefox all these years, despite Google's and Apple's attempts to get me to defect to their browsers.

I feel like Helen Keller and someone keeps moving the furniture.


I would absolutely love it if you could add Spotify or another customisable sidebar site with background sound.

Making moves

I hid it as soon as I figured out how, and I'm unlikely to ever show it again.

The problem I have with it is that it either takes up too much space or reduces the tabs to tiny, incomprehensible icons. I guess you can click the one button (and it took me a while to figure what that did, which is not ideal either) and change from one to the other quickly. I just don't think it's worth the trouble for me.

I will admit that I was not thrilled to have two apparently identical builds of Firefox, one of which had the feature (new Windows 11 machine) and one of which did not (old Windows 10). I haven't checked my Linux box.

Thanks, though, for the option to hide it (along with some other stuff I'm never going to use, like the AI chatbot).

Making moves

Force enabling the new sidebar is not a "nudge to try it out" though, is it? It's shoving in our faces without even an easy way to turn it off!

A true nudge would be some sort of prompt asking if we wanted to give it a go and with a clear way to turn it off again if we decided we didn't like it.

Making moves

Thanks for the great work.

On my device seeing which sidebar item is highlighted is difficult. The border is too vague or there is no background change.

Which item is highlighted?Which item is highlighted?

This maybe due to my OS's default dark settings? I use Linux Mint Cinnamon out of the box dark mode. I am on a mid-range laptop so I have even less contrast on my laptop screen then maybe you even see on a desktop monitor.

Making moves

This new sidebar is a waste of space & irritating as hell.  Give us the option to remove it ASAP.  It brings nothing to me as a user but annoyance and wasted space.

Making moves

Just want to say I know most people are here to complain but I love the sidebar. It's the primary reason I wanted to move to Nightly. Much better than the massive chunk of vertical space that gets taken with horizontal tabs.

That said, I was using Zen Browser for a little while and I really loved the "compact mode" they had where you could choose to hide the top bar, sidebar, or both with a keyboard shortcut or by right-clicking on the sidebar. Really, really convenient. I had the top bar hidden probably 80% of the time in favor of more vertical space. Being able to mouse over the sidebar is really nice too again just to save space and only see these UI elements when I need them.

Also, I know it's in the works to make closing tabs easier, that's great, but the way many browsers do it, like say Vivaldi, where the tab icon turns into an X on mouse hover when it's the active tab has led to me accidentally closing tabs a lot when using those browsers. I would rather a X pop up in the corner of the tab preview on hover. That would also let me not have to make the tab active to get the button to close it. Just some feedback, not sure how you all plan to do it.

Anyway, great work, really appreciate the sidebar as it is and I'm excited to see how it evolves.

Making moves

Hi, dear Mozilla employees,

Today the sidebar enabled itself, full of useful tools such as:

- AI Chatbot
- And Much Much More!

This was incredibly frustrating. This, I daresay, was the highlight of my day. I mean this in a very bad way. The last thing I want to see when I sit down at my desk, weary from a long day's work, is that any software on my computer does something that I did not tell it to do. It could be as simple as not working, when I expect it to work. In this case, the thing it has done is enable 'Sidebar Revamp' in about:config.

This is at my most impassioned, this is a passionate plea for anyone out there who could possibly do something about this, this is me crying out from the depths of the abyss where apparently light never escapes, and an opaque wall between the developers and I - the end user - is always up and making conversation impossible: please, do not ever do this again.

By all means have a menu that opens and asks me if I want a cool sidebar with 'features' and such. Do not enable it automatically. I have my workflow. It works for me just fine. It does not need improving. If I feel it does, maybe I could be convinced to use such a sidebar, but it's not going to be by having it simply opened and enabled for me, in a non-consensual manner.

Thank you, that is all.

Making moves

Please do not remove the "sidebar.revamp" option in "about:config".  I prefer to disable it over hiding it.


Making moves

A collapsed tab group leaves a blank space where the tabs would have been if the group hadn't been collapsed.

Thank you!

Tab Groups are still in the early stages, but let's reassure everyone that work is ongoing. This has already been fixed in Nightly.



Thank you for the update!

Making moves

The sidebar needs to remember the view when last displayed and return to that view NOT the sidebar menu each time. 

You took the worst time to implement this at the holiday shopping season when all of a sudden this feature appears and the customary bookmark sidebar disappears.  I didn't need them to disappear when I was busy shopping and had saved a load of bookmarks to organize my shopping.  So I panicked but was able to figure out how to manipulate this immature rendition of the sidebar.  Restore the bookmarks and give users an opportunity to choose which they prefer.  Don't force it on them without warning. 

Also the new sidebar is too wide taking up valuable screen area from the web page being viewed, after all that is the primary purpose of the browser. Perhaps Control + B could display of the sidebar and cycle thru the 3 views.  The first press should display the sidebar as last displayed, the next press begins cycling thru the 3 views. 

And please, don't implement a user interface adjustment of this extent without offering a return to the previous setting.


Making moves

Hello, I compared the side tabs of Microsoft Edge and Firefox, and I found that there is a point we can improve. The sidebar is under the Bookmarks Toolbar, which is not preferred: if we set Bookmarks Toolbar to be "Only show on new tab", then the side bar will be lower when we are in a new tab than when we are in other tabs, because when we are in a new tab there will be Bookmarks. That results in inconsistent positions of the sidebar. I think we should position the side bar on the left of Bookmarks Toolbar instead.

The present implementation (in a new tab):


The present implementation (in any other tab):


Preferred (in a new tab or any other tab):



Making moves

I really like the sidebar, but I wish we could re-order the sections and pin/unpin some more extensions there. I *absolutely* hate that when the sidebar is opened it moves the whole webpage, it should be positioned absolute to the page, like a popup, not relative to it!

Making moves

I absolutely hate this feature and I hate even more that it's impossible to remove without about:config. I get absolutely no value from this and it makes my life worse to have it. If I was okay with bull**bleep** like this I would still be using Chrome.

Making moves


I have no issues with the sidebar itself, being a popular feature on browsers that have it. That said, I don't have a use for it myself. I think that the option to completely hide it should be made a little more obvious, maybe make it part of the presentation of the feature in the update notes tab.

However, I find that it came with big regressions on the History side panel :

  • I can't middle click to open in a new tab anymore. Instead, only left click works and does open in a new tab . Which means that I can't open in the current tab at all. I also can't open in a Container. This is inconsistent with all other ways to open a site (bookmarks, personal bar, hyperlinks ...) and as such breaks consistency of user interactions which imho is a no-go in terms of UI design.
  • Closing the history panel forcefully opens the new side bar so I need to go and close it again manually. My choice to hide the sidebar shouldn't be voided every time I use history.

It's getting quite annoying over time, and that's a lot of regressions for this simple feature that didn't need any rework.

It also damages 2 of the strongest points that make Firefox better then competitors :

  • Firefox Containers, an incredibly good extension that single-handedly justifies using FF over any other browser
  • The general user-friendliness where FF allows a high number of very random user interactions so it's intuitive for everyone : ability to right click or middle click from anywhere, ability to drag&drop anything anywhere as long as it can be recognized as an url and so on. In this case, the middle and right clicks disappear from History, *and* you can't drag&drop a history entry as a tab.

Oh and I can also not "forget this site" anymore. Had to open the big panel (ctrl+shift+H) 😞

Making moves

Is there some way to not always show the sidebar icons? I use the sidebar all the time, but now I'm loosing a good chunk of screen to icons I don't need. What was wrong with having the icons (settings/history/bookmarks) at the TOP of the full sidebar instead of adding a second sidebar wasting space?

Making moves

I think the sidebar and vertical tabs are a vast improvement and I'm looking forward to seeing things like expand-on-mouse-over. I'm posting here mostly because I wanted to call attention to one issue -- I hope that the way tab groups work with vertical tabs will be getting some attention soon, as right now "collapsing" a tab group only hides the child icons and leaves empty space behind, instead of folding into a smaller area as you'd expect. Also, if I right click on a vertical tab that is just above the first tab of a different tab group, for example a tab group called "Reading," right-clicking and selecting "New Tab Below" adds the new tab to the "Reading" group. I can see there being arguments on both sides of that behavior, but what I think must not be intentional is that sometimes new tabs spawned by clicking links in a tab located immediately above a group that way will also result in the new tab being added to the group below it, which I think is objectively not the right behavior. Still, these are big improvements and they're much appreciated.

Making moves

I hate the sidebar.  So many sites have ads making the actual content take up less of the screen.  The last thing I need is my browser making the screen space smaller too.  I also had to really search to figure out how to disable the sidebar, and I'm someone with a lot of computer knowledge.  Remove this feature.

Making moves

What a weird design; ctrl-B ctr-B ctrl-B; Rubbish design; can't be closed

@sky007 wrote:

What a weird design; ctrl-B ctr-B ctrl-B; Rubbish design; can't be closed

There is a bug on file to fix how Ctrl+B works:

(A) When "Sidebar button" is set to "Expand and collapse sidebar"

Ctrl+B expands from the vertical button bar (the launcher) to show the Bookmarks Sidebar. Ctrl+B a second time collapses the sidebar back to the vertical button bar.

(B) When "Sidebar button" is set to "Show and hide sidebar"

Current: Ctrl+B opens the sidebar to show the Bookmarks Sidebar. Ctrl+B a second time removes the Bookmarks Sidebar but leaves an expanded vertical button bar (with button captions).

Planned: Ctrl+B opens the sidebar to show the Bookmarks Sidebar. vertical button bar (the launcher) to show the Bookmarks Sidebar. Ctrl+B a second time closes the Sidebar (similar to old design).

Hopefully this change will get into Firefox 134.0, but it still needs to go through beta testing, so not sure about that.

Making moves

Another feature to hate. The browser is one the most important tools and should be one of the most stable.  No one should have to interrupt their work to figure out what the hell happened to their computer and how to remove it. All of this crap should be strictly optional. Now I have an unwanted icon next to the go-back-one-page-icon. Great. Another unwanted icon to accidentally hit and interrupt my work.

Making moves

I've wanted a tab sidebar for ages and this is a step in the right direction. However I was hoping for something that worked *in addition* to the horizontal tab bar as a convenient way to access tabs in a list view, silimar to bookmarks. It's useful when you have a lot of tabs open and the limited screen space of horizontal tabs requires more time to find and switch between them.

Ideally I'd like to have my tabs along the top as usual but have access to them in the sidebar when needed.

Also as it stands, the action of opening and closing the sidebar requires me to move my mouse pointer up to the top left of the toolbar to click a small icon. It would be great if there was a more convenient way to open it, say hovering over the collapsed view to cause it to expand, or a keyboard shortcut like Ctrl + Space.

Making moves

I'd love to see automatic tree style tab groupings, similar to those in the Sidebery add-on (example in image). As someone who has trouble remaining organized, seeing at a glance tabs which I opened from a site (e.g. an article from the homepage of a news site) and which are independent tabs helps a lot. Right now, that is the feature I miss most since switching from Sidebery to this.


Another suggestion of mine is to add an icon for when a group is collapsed, rather than switching the color of the group title text (example in image, it's the little ">₃" next to "Add-ons").
I'm excited to see where this verticle tabs feature goes, and I hope that the design team will be able to make it flawless. Thank you for reading.


Making moves

Sidebar is an amazing feature thats being tested and it works fine for me.
I would like to ask that with other sidebar extensions like "Twitter as a Sidebar" and "Open in Sidebar" the width of sidebar remains same for everyone, it is possible to have different width for different extensions as per the needs of that extension. Something that we can change on our own. The AI chatbot has different width than rest so something like that only.

Making moves

Hi, I actually enjoy the feature since it disables the tabs on the top of the screen and they are just moved to the left in a more compact and efficient way.

One thing I would like to notice, is for users to be able to customize whether they want this feature enabled or not.

I used to be able to access this feature, but I had to reinstall Firefox on a new OS install and lost the feature. Because of this, looking at the other comments, I found out that I could re-enable the feature in about:config -> sidebar.revamp -> True . For those of us that enjoy the feature, I wish there was a more accesible way to configure this.

Thanks for all the work you do!

Making moves

What an annoying thing to do to somebody. Hey, I know you won't mind if I come over to your house and screw up your work tools? How about if I add a new light switch that's hidden half the time and comes and goes randomly, you'd love that wouldn't you?

Making moves

I am a keyboard user and have given the new bookmarks and history side panelrs a test in Firefox 133.0.3.

Unfortunately I have found some significant usage problems with the history panel.

Basic keyboard navigations that used to work with the old history and bookmarks panels no longer work with the new history panel (although fortunately they still work in the new bookmarks panel).

I will go into details regarding the navigational issues in a moment, but first wanted to say that several features seem to be missing. For example:
* the ability to sort by Last Visited, without having the results grouped into date folders
* the ability to open a site in a new tab without leaving the history list or the current page. This makes, for example, opening several sites in the panel more difficult as you cannot just press ctrl+enter on one, arrow to the next and repeat, as the keyboard focus has left the list and is now on the newly opened site
* the ability to copy the current item's URL by pressing ctrl+C
* the ability to bookmark results via the context menu
* the ability to select several results via pressing ctrl+space, in order that these could be bulk opened or copied to the clipboard or bookmarked etc.

On another note, I have noticed that if you press F6 when not in the history side panel, then the first element to be focused when the new side panel is reached is the close button. Whereas the search box was the first element that was focused when F6ing to the old panel, which makes more sense to me.

So here are the navigational problems with keyboard use.

As alluded to above, normally you can quickly cycle between various major Firefox UI elements such as the side panel, the address bar, the main website page etc. using F6 and shift+F6. The old history side panel occurred only once in the list of elements that F6 / shift+F6 moves between.

And when in the old history side panel, you could jump between various major panel elements such as the search box, the close button, the results list etc. using tab and shift+tab. The entire results list occurred only once in the list of elements that tab / shift+tab moves between.

With the new side panel it seems that if there is a list of sites shown in the panel, then each of these individual sites will be placed on the list of elements that F6 / tab moves between.

Why is this a major navigational issue? Let's say that you have searched for a term and currently have result 23 of 94 selected. Now let's say that you want to jump to the main web page. With the old history panel you could just press F6 to leave the panel and jump to the main page or next major Firefox UI element. With the new panel pressing F6 will take you to result 24, then result 25, then result 26...

Or let's say instead that you wish to refine ore change your search. With the old history panel you could press shift+tab twice to leave the results list and go to the search box. With the new panel pressing shift+tab will take you to result 22, then result 21, then result 20...

Giving each item on the results list its own position in the F6 / tab cycle is a major setback for keyboard navigation. Again, the old system where the entire side panel occurred only once in the F6 cycle, and the entire results list section of the side panel occurred only once in the tab cycle, was far better for overall UI navigation.

As for quickly navigating within the results list itself, unfortunately there are major problems here too. As with the old history panel, pressing up and down will move through the results list, but other navigational keys no longer work. Namely home, end, pageup, pagedown. So if you want to get to the bottom of a long list you can't just press end as you could before etc.

Also, you can no longer press left to jump to the containing date folder of the current group, or press left / right to collapse / expand the current group, as you could before.

I have also noticed that you cant arrow up and down between date folders, only their expanded site lists.

Finally, 'search as you type' no longer works with the new history panel. Before you could press B while in the results list and this would cycle between all shown items that start with a B, for example.

So please make keyboard navigation work as it did with the old history side panel. In my view restoring F6 and tab to their old 'move between major elements only' behaviours is the top priority, although restoring the left, right, home, end etc. navigations and 'search as you type', should also happen.

And also please restore the multi-select functionality, where you could select several sites by, for example, using ctrl+space, and then perform an operation on all of them at once.

Thanks for reading.