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Share your feedback on the AI services experiment in Nightly


Hi folks, 

In the next few days, we will start the Nightly experiment which provides easy access to AI services from the sidebar. This functionality is entirely optional, and it’s there to see if it’s a helpful addition to Firefox. It is not built into any core functionality and needs to be turned on by you to see it. 

If you want to try the experiment, activate it via Nightly Settings > Firefox Labs (please see full instructions here). 

We’d love to hear your feedback once you try out the feature, and we’re open to all your ideas and thoughts, whether it’s small tweaks to the current experience or big, creative suggestions that could boost your productivity and make accessing your favorite tools and services in Firefox even easier.

Thanks so much for helping us improve Firefox!

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Making moves


My sentiments exactly.  As soon as I heard about this garbage, I created an apt preferences file to lock in the firefox version to 129.*. 

If anyone else is sick of having AI shoved in their faces by shady companies who like to make excuses for their poor behaviour, place the below in a file like /etc/apt/preferences.d/firefox_129 to ensure version 130 isn't installed during apt update.  With Pin-Priority over 1000, the version will also be reverted if you accidentally installed the AI integration code already.  Apt preference file content is between dashes.

# Block AI integration garbage in version 130 from being installed
Package: firefox
Pin: version 129.*
Pin-Priority: 1100

Tested the above with several debian clones ( mx, ubuntu, etc) and it worked as expected.  I am sure there is a method for other package managers as well ( dnf, yum, etc).

Hey there can you give a few more directions on this?
the file path isn't quite clear enough for me to quite understand where this would be put (windows), and I'm not 100% sure what the file type would be (though I assume I could make in notepad++?)

Hey Kazard,

The method I highlighted above is for debian based linux distributions that use the apt package manager.  It will not work on windows.

If you are looking for a similar method for windows, take a look at

Please be advised, disabling updates is not for the faint of heart and strongly recommend that you have other defense in depth security measures in place before heading down this path and treat it as a temporary solution to buy time until other options can be identified.

You need to consider your threat posture and consider the risks between Firefox adding in AI integrations vs other browser based security risks and monitor closely before making the decision.

It is your computer and should have the ability to make those sort of choices yourself though which is why I provided the method to disable.  Have a threat model in mind,  consider the risks and make the decision wisely.

Thank you very much, and yes, I understand the risks. I will be keeping an eye on other projects and hope to swap over to an appropriate fork, once things are ready and I understand what I am doing better.

Is there an option to do this on EndeavorOS/arch based distros as well? (I assume you wouldn't know since you didn't say and said you tested on debian machines so I'm just gonna reply with this in the hopes that somebody else sees who knows xD)

I'd suggest to move to 128ESR version instead of freezing 129* version.

As an FYI for the Firefox users who are less than pleased with the addition of AI integrations being added to the browser, it seems that the Librewolf team has confirmed the removal or strict UI disable of these features will be added to the Librewolf browser.


Head on over, give the Librewolf team a big thank you and buy them a coffee for removing what should never have been added in the first place.

That about sums it up. This AI BS can go jump in a freaking lake.

- Well said. AI is hot garbage. Hot (we waste tons of water trying to cool it) garbage (actively detrimental to the digital space).

especially since the ai bull**bleep** we all know and detest today runs on the same graphics-intensive pollution machines that crypto and nfts do! it's hot garbage in every sense of the word!

My thoughts exactly. I moved to Firefox to avoid all the AI and privacy nonsense that other browsers have started to employ. I like Firefox, but I'll leave it behind too if this is implemented.

Right I will find a new browser so fast. I'm loyal to Firefox because they provide the services and safety I want, if that stops I'm gone.

Yup -- does anyone else have Firefox alternatives in case they don't listen to us?

Just stating the obvious and joining the thread: I don't want firefox to behave like every other browser around. The reason I use (and trust) firefox is exactly because it DOES NOT use my privacy as a business model and getting AI basically turns it into this. We all know what happens when you integrate the product initially as "it won't use your data" and what it evolves to. I'm dropping firefox if this madness continue and you can bet I will fork it or use a forked version with the removed feature.

Seeing that this has been in the pipeline for a while now, and they seem to be walking merrily ahead, that's disappointing. I wonder how much money someone's making off doing this to Firefox.

I wonder the same, is Mozilla getting paid by the "ai" companies?

Personally, I don't mind an easy to disable feature. But what the point for integrating something that can easily be accomplished with and extension. And there are plenty of websites you can goto with Firefox, that have "ai" chatbots.

Luckily, Vivaldi has spoken out against the trend of adding "ai" to their browser.

No such thing as good AI. It is, however, and excellent way to reduce security, increase copyright infringement, and decrease the number of people who will support Firefox/Mozilla.

This, this, this, a hundred times this. Not even counting the water usage and environmental impact.


Please concentrate on being a good secure web browser. No one wants this. This is a waste of time and resources 



NO! In other words...


No one asked for it.  No one who cares about privacy wants it.  To paraphrase HHGTTG: AI and anyone who thinks its a cool should be the first against the wall when the revolution comes.

This bowel excretion makes me so ANGRY!  There is no reason to corrupt our beloved Firefox with bloat that it should simply be left to add-on writers to provide.  AI driven chat bots etc. have no place in Firefox.

Rip it out it by its entrails and feed to the pigs!

Did I mention yet how disgusted, displeased, and supremely annoyed about this?


In french it's "grosse merde"

For the rest I totally agree. AI is totally unneeded bull**bleep**. Please stick to doing a great fast and secure browser !

Technology good 🙂

Counterpoint: technology is ultimately neutral, but the way you use it and what it affects contributes to whether it's good or evil. And Generative AI is evil with how much it destroys both people's livelihoods and the environment as a whole.

(Edited to rephrase my point in a cleaner fashion.)

Agreed. AI feels antithetical to Firefox.

Best and easiest way to sum it up.

Who tf does this benefit anyways?!?!

AI is unnecessary af in Firefox

it keeps the Tumblr/Twitter people out, you can enjoy the feeling of superiority that comes with knowing that you use a browser that they AREN'T using

(and then you can just ignore the AI button because it's going to be useless)


AGREED. I avoid all the other big browsers because I don't want AI. Don't put it in Firefox too!

Agree. There are places that ML has a place, but in Firefox isn't one of them - not yet anyway. Please spend your time developing needed - and wanted - fixes and features.


absolutely not i'd change browsers immediately

Agreed. Please don't.

No ai please, it is so useless and harms the internet as a whole and the environment. I actively avoid it and want to support systems that DO NOT use ai.

Making moves

The announcement is not clear that is not started yet.

Also it isn't clear if it will require a personal token for this services and what settings are available.