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Share your feedback on the AI services experiment in Nightly


Hi folks, 

In the next few days, we will start the Nightly experiment which provides easy access to AI services from the sidebar. This functionality is entirely optional, and it’s there to see if it’s a helpful addition to Firefox. It is not built into any core functionality and needs to be turned on by you to see it. 

If you want to try the experiment, activate it via Nightly Settings > Firefox Labs (please see full instructions here). 

We’d love to hear your feedback once you try out the feature, and we’re open to all your ideas and thoughts, whether it’s small tweaks to the current experience or big, creative suggestions that could boost your productivity and make accessing your favorite tools and services in Firefox even easier.

Thanks so much for helping us improve Firefox!

3,728 REPLIES 3,728

Making moves

Hi folks! First, thank you for working on the closest thing to a "good" browser that is currently available.

I would like to ask you - to beg even - to please drop all the LLM nonsense. LLM's do more harm than good. LLMs are built on stolen material without regard to the creators. LLMs are more confident in being wrong than a republican politician.

You know what we *do* want? A fast, stable, and SAFE browser. We want a browser that can detect and PROTECT us from LLMs and their dangerously incorrect content. We want something that will hold our tabs and not spy on us. That's it.

Can we please, PLEASE just have that?

Yours for the present,

Sean Boyer

Making moves

Well said.

Making moves

I will switch to a new browser i didnt switch to firefox for **bleep** like this

Making moves

Oh my god please do not. Don't. Don't. No one needs this. You're the last bastion of browsers that don't totally suck don't do this

Making moves

Please do not. One of the reasons I changed to Firefox was to get rid of the AI fluff.

It's like if in the 1990's every business you walked into had added TY Beanie Baby wallpaper and had employees wearing silly themed hats.

Internet Browsers don't need cute gimmicks. People use browsers for actual reasons. Browsers and search engines should both be reliable and simple to use. Even if you're only talking about advertising AI, it doesn't sound like a good idea to me.

(I'm not going to try it. I'm disgusted with the whole AI gimmick and hope the trend ends soon.)

Making moves

One of the biggest issues I see is coming from business users of Firefox. Some companies will not allow programs that could potentially have access to Generative AI, even if it's just forcibly disabled, it can't be in the code. This would make it difficult, if not impossible to get Firefox approved for use on those work computers.

This just seems like a really poorly thought out feature, it could've just been an extension.

Making moves

As a firefox user I expect that Mozilla acts with caution and consideration when updating and adding features to their browser. Even thinking about adding AI services is neither of those things, this idea should be abandoned, Firefox thrives on being an old style browser and not being like Chromium browsers adding AI services loses a part of this key aspect of this browser. Generative AI is a mediocre and milquetoast invention that is neither useful or capable of advancing our use of technology. Please reconsider this choice,  not only is AI a trend, it's a highly damaging one, with the electrical and computing power required to operate these causing damage to the enviroment.

Thank you for considering my response I hope you make the right choice.

Making moves

Very no.

I’ve been a firefox user for just about as Long as there’s been a firefox. It is what I recommend to folks on most platforms. If this gets included in the base distribution, i will absolutely have to reconsider that. I don’t want this code *in* my browser, no off-by-default nonsense.

to be clear, this is not a “just ignore it if you don’t like it“ situation. Shipping this in the browser absolutely makes me question the judgment of the core Firefox team. It is a trust issue.

Making moves

Absolutely not.

Making moves

Absolutely not. 

Making moves

Not sure this is a great idea

Making moves

Hey do you guys know any good browsers that aren't chromium based or pushing AI?

Making moves

Please do NOT add AI to Firefox.

Making moves

No thanks on the AI. I prefer Firefox over most other browsers BECAUSE it didn't use the enviroment AND privacy damaging tech but if the people behind Firefox seriously implement this feature, I'm out of here. Dump the whole thing please.


Making moves

Please cease this immediately. I've been using Firefox since release, I don't want to have to find a new browser.

Making moves

I don't understand the hate for this since it's an entirely optional feature and not turned on by default. This sounds like the exact way to implement AI.

What use case justifies the environmental impact? When large language models are inherently based off stolen data, that lies in its outputs unpredictably, when it is so much a turn off for artists and writers and people who actually know about the field?

Making moves

One of the major reasons I use Firefox is the lack of AI. I am firmly anti AI. AI also has a huge negative environmental impact with no clear benefit to me. Please do not implement it. Thank you

Making moves



Making moves


Making moves

Absolutely not. AI is such an invasive, overreacting technology being forced into every aspect of our lives. AI models are built on mass theft and plagiarism. Functionally it's a security nightmare.

You say this toggle is optional but the fact you're even entertaining the idea is a bad sign for the future regarding Mozilla's leadership and general philosophy. It's only a matter of time before it's no longer an option.

Firefox is one of the few bastions of secure and accessible internet left. I have to assume Mozilla is aware of the problems with AI. I hope this post is not just a PR stunt to make it look like you care about your users while proceeding with this ill advised implementation. I would hate to go back to friends, family, and coworkers and tell them I no longer recommend Firefox as a browser, but I will do it if I must.

Making moves

Do not implement it. Do NOT include it optionally either. It's an unnecessary function that serves the wants of the few at the expense of the many.

In addition, I am requesting that you and your organization take a firm anti-generative AI stance on the whole.

Making moves

please don't do this. the lack of this kind of ai was one of the biggest reasons i came to firefox in the first place

Making moves

Please no.  Please stop wasting dev time and money on these "features", that could instead be spent on polishing Firefox.

Making moves

I really, really don't want this to happen. I installed Firefox to get away from having language models and AI thrown in my face. I'm sure others can relate.

Making moves

Please don't ruin the last reasonable browser with this bull**bleep**.

It's lovely to know that my comments are censored.
Is "BS" okay to use?

Making moves

Stop cut it out

Making moves

I swear to god, I'll stop using Firefox.

Making moves

I don't want AI anywhere near my browser, please. I've been a loyal Mozilla user for over a decade, i subscribe to both Mozilla VPN and Mask Relay, and I really really don't want AI

Making moves

Dear God please no

Making moves

i dont think it's neccessary, seems incidental at best to all the reasons I, and everyone I know, use firefox, and I'm worried about potential performance impacts. I don't think it'd make the browser better or more useful to the people who actually use it, but it does have real potential of making it worse

Making moves

Maybe you should focus on finally adding proper HDR support for Firefox before considering adding a (imho useless) AI button

Making moves

no one wants ai. it's being shoved in our faces because tech giants banked on it being a smash hit, and then it wasn't, and now they want it to pay off, so they're forcing it on us. is it really worth alienating your userbase for a glorified chatbot?

Making moves


Making moves

Absolutely NOT. Please do not do this. I use Firefox as a way to get away from garbage like ai and data-theft.

Making moves

Please, the addition of AI to Firefox is a negative in many instances, from productivity, safety and much more. This push for AI on everything is from investors that are bandwagoning on the newest tech sounding thing but don't actually know how it could actually improve the user experience or help any business, to the point that the AI bubble is now showing signs of bursting amidst many issues from lack of user adoption, legal issues, moral issues and negative views of users towards AI in general. Please do not make another useless AI integration that no users actually want and keep focused on improving the efficiency of Firefox and user privacy, that's what users really want

Making moves

No no no no absolutely no! I do not want this crap in Firefox!

Making moves

Really disappointing to see Firefox jumping on the AI bandwagon.  Regardless of whether these companies are directly collecting information from users - and I don't trust their promises of privacy for a second - the reckless disregard for artists' and writers' intellectual property exercised when creating these models in the first place should give anyone pause.  This kind of garbage is why I switched to Firefox in the first place.  No one wants this.


Making moves

no no no no NO.