11:55 AM
- last edited on
02:19 PM
Hi folks,
In the next few days, we will start the Nightly experiment which provides easy access to AI services from the sidebar. This functionality is entirely optional, and it’s there to see if it’s a helpful addition to Firefox. It is not built into any core functionality and needs to be turned on by you to see it.
If you want to try the experiment, activate it via Nightly Settings > Firefox Labs (please see full instructions here).
We’d love to hear your feedback once you try out the feature, and we’re open to all your ideas and thoughts, whether it’s small tweaks to the current experience or big, creative suggestions that could boost your productivity and make accessing your favorite tools and services in Firefox even easier.
Thanks so much for helping us improve Firefox!
09-10-2024 03:36 AM
I note that this has now been added as an (unticked) option in Firerfox 130.
You invite me to try it. I won't as I am not aware of any use case where it would be useful to me.
All LLMs are plagiarist, they steal other peoples intellectual property. They also produce bull**bleep** instead of useful answers - plausible sentences that may or may not be true.
I am not against all Machine Learning. I find the local language translation feature you have recently added useful, but I have already had block LLM so-called summaries in Google and DuckDuckGo search. as they have also gone down this rabbit hole.
They also consume incredible quantities of energy, water to run and to training and the resources need to make the hardware they run on. They are the anti-solution to the real problems we have as a species that is trashing our planet.
I would much rather Mozilla concentrate on giving users, such as myself, what they want, which is a fast, efficient browser that respects user privacy, rather than spending resources on the total deadend that is LLMs.
09-10-2024 03:37 AM
please no christ maybe my favourite thing about firefox is that it’s the one place that isn’t trying to shove ai down my throat don’t take that away if you want to ruin the climate more just set some tyres on fire at hq or something
09-10-2024 03:43 AM
literally made a goddamn account to tell you how much i don’t want ai in firefox it makes the user experience worse it scrapes data people didn’t consent to give and it wastes water and energy everybody loses. bad choice for a browser a lot of people (including me) use bc they feel it’s more ethical/transparent than the alternatives
09-10-2024 03:38 AM
I would very much like to be able to opt out of all AI connections before they have a nanosecond's chance of accessing my work. Or of using me as an excuse for accessing others' work.
09-10-2024 03:42 AM
The most cited researcher in the world compared LLM with nuclear war and pandemics.
Please for **bleep**s sake stop.
It is a unethical energy hungry dangerous tool that solves no problem.
09-10-2024 03:41 AM
Please don't make this a thing or even an optional thing! This kind of AI hurts creators of all kinds, wastes power, is horrible for the environment, and often produces a homunculus of false information that does no good to the world. Please don't make this a thing you are literally the only browser left that I trust!!!!
09-10-2024 03:42 AM
please don't use AI. I don't want this in my browser even if its a feature that can be turned off. AI is ruining everything I love and care about, it's sickening to see it implemented everywhere now.
09-10-2024 03:56 AM
God no please no. Firefox is beloved because it respects users privacy. AI for now is pretty much useless besides scraping users data. Fckn get misinformation quicker button stealing from fanfic writers from ao3
09-10-2024 04:00 AM
Please do not add AI (statistical software/language model) functionality to Firefox. Firefox is open source; the involvement of AI companies are antithetical to this. Furthermore, the environmental impacts (power and water usage) of the computers used to run AI are unforgivable. AI services are unethical. Resist theft by corporations and en**bleep**tification! Do not add AI services!
09-10-2024 04:02 AM
Good lord, no, I would switch browsers if this happened
09-10-2024 04:04 AM
Please don't spend time integrating ai into Firefox that could be spent on other projects. AI generation is often factually incorrect and not helpful, and uses a crazy amount of resources to spit out that wrong answer. Adding ai to Firefox, even in a smalll and optional way, actually makes me less likely to use the browser as I start to worry what data you're using and from where.
09-10-2024 04:05 AM
Knock it off Mozilla, nobody wants this crap in Firefox. Stop trying to turn your browser into Chrome. It's gone on far too long. If I want to use Chrome, I will use Chrome. Or any other browser besides Firefox. Focus on your strengths or the community will take matters into their own hands, which has already begun with recent forks like Floorp.
09-10-2024 04:07 AM
Recently, I was forced to open Edge because a government website refused to work on anything else. It was the worst browsing experience I've had in years, and that was mostly because of Microsoft trying to integrate Copilot into every interaction to "help" me. Please don't follow this en**bleep**tification trend. Even ignoring whatever ethical and environmental issues almost certainly plague the models these services are built on, it seems like a terrible idea just from a user experience perspective.
09-10-2024 04:09 AM
Please do not. "AI" as it exists now is a serious problem and not good. Do not go the way of Chrome and Google, I beg of you.
09-10-2024 07:29 AM
You can literally count how many new profiles were made to tell you "please no" to determine actual interest (or more accurately, DISinterest) there is in having AI in any version of Firefox.
09-10-2024 04:14 AM
AI can go to hell
09-10-2024 04:14 AM
Please don't. I need a browser. It needs to render HTML and CSS, execute JavaScript, and maybe some nice little extras like bookmarks etc. The last thing I want or need in my browser is "AI". I want the product to excel at the basics, not be jammed packed with excessive (read: unnecessary) misfeatures.
If you really want Firefox to have AI, make it as an add-on that the few people who do want it can install, instead of jamming it down our throats in the core product.
09-10-2024 04:18 AM
For the love of god and all that we cherish, please just let it lie! This helps no one!
09-10-2024 04:20 AM
Absolutely not
09-10-2024 04:22 AM
Do not. Bad. We really don't need or want this. Please can we have a normal web browser....
09-10-2024 04:25 AM
no!!!!!!! please no!!!!!!
09-10-2024 04:27 AM
I will DUMP Firefox like a pile of diseased manure the SECOND it starts implementing ANY AI. AI is the reason I refuse to use Chrome and similar garbage.
09-10-2024 04:27 AM
Please don't implement AI. It's not needed.
09-10-2024 04:29 AM
We as a community. Do not want this. Thank you. You are making access to useless misinformation all the more convenient when we are literally. in. the solution. a normal web browser. Where you can look things up. NORMALLY. without being lied to by a useless machine.
09-10-2024 04:32 AM
I have absolutely no desire to use AI in my browser other than the most targeted circumstances (E.g. translations). The underlying technology is a disaster for the environment, unreliable, and largely unethical. I want my browser to be quick, resource light and privacy focused. That's what I use Firefox for.
09-10-2024 04:33 AM
My apologies to all Mozilla employees in community management that are forced to be the ones to handle this backlash, backlash that they are probably aware is warranted (for whatever smug, greedy gits responsible for this decision).
There is NOTHING to be gained from adding machine learning to Firefox for users, or even developers. But it brings gullible investors, so it's unfortunately gonna happen... so I'll be changing browsers when that happens.
09-10-2024 04:32 AM
As a long time user I absolutely do not want this. I use Firefox to try to avoid this kind of thing. This kind of AI is a pointless fad that brings no added utility to anything. Please, I'm so tired of trying to avoid this **bleep**.
09-10-2024 04:39 AM
This is 3rd reply that tells "No AI" within in just 4 minutes, It would be extreme funny if firefox still adds it despite the hate they got (and still getting) from community. I have over 1000 notifications sent for just this thread (Kudos, new posts on this thread, etc)
09-10-2024 04:36 AM
please god do not do this
09-10-2024 04:40 AM
09-10-2024 04:41 AM
I am extremely against this change, I do not support the use of generative AI chatbots or image creation due to the myriad of ethical concerns relating to the data collection needed to facilitate them.
09-10-2024 04:43 AM
Good God no.
09-10-2024 04:44 AM
NO.A thousand times no. So-called AI is an empty promise being shipled by tech companies and VCs who don't want to lose investor money. It doesn't actually add anything of value to the average consumer experience. It is a lie built on theft that spits words at you with no meaning behind them.
AI is not intelligent it does not think or comprehend. It is a giant number cruncher dealing solely in probability.
Rather than AI I would much rather have work go towards a genuinely functional search engine with deep advanced search options. Then instead of asking an AI to find information and getting back a bunch of word salad, I could just search for it myself.
I love Firefox, it's been my go to browser for nearly twenty years. You have a good product! it doesn't need AI.
09-10-2024 04:49 AM
No AI BS in my browser thanks.
09-10-2024 04:48 AM
Please no please dont i will not use firefox if it utilizes ai
09-10-2024 04:58 AM
I do not want AI (even if it's optional at this point) in anything and certainly not in Firefox. I use Firefox BECAUSE it's not like other browsers/tech companies in trying to monetise/use user data.
09-10-2024 04:59 AM
Please do not add AI to Firefox
09-10-2024 05:01 AM
No ❌
09-10-2024 05:02 AM
I too, made an account just to share my feedback on this misfeature. Our company has a "no AI" policy, and you bet I spent the first few minutes after installation of Firefox 130 figuring out the about:config setting to disable chat organization wide (it's browser.ml.chat.enabled, set it to false). Unfortunately, there are no published ADMX policy files for Firefox 130 yet, so I'm having to put this into the catchall Preferences policy.
What a misstep, Mozilla. This makes you look terrible.
09-10-2024 05:03 AM
This is a terrible idea. Firefox is one of the few remaining browsers that doesn’t incorporate A.I. and it will make the experience so much worse if you do. A.I. is unhelpful at best, and dangerous to both users and the environment at worst.