02-18-2025 04:53 AM - edited 02-18-2025 04:54 AM
Greetings all,
I've noticed some deficiencies in Firefox Mobile (specifically for Android) that I believe should be amended for an improved user experience.
Firstly, on landscape mode, the address/search bar takes up approx. 20% of the available screen space. The option to "scroll to hide" it is there, but often this makes for an uncomfortable browsing experience. Ninety-nine percent of the time when I'm browsing, I'm aware of what site I'm on and don't require access to it. As such, an improvement would be for the search bar to be hidden entirely by default (without having to scroll down) and for it to be accessible when the user taps the top of the screen ONLY.
Secondly, Google Images is unbearable to use on Firefox Mobile, especially in landscape mode. The address bar takes up the aforementioned 20%, whilst Google-imposed headers and footers take up another 55% of the screen. The result is 15% of the screen dedicated to the actual image the user is intending to view, leaving a comically tiny, smaller-than-a-postage-stamp picture.
Zooming in to the image more often than not results in the header/footer zooming in instead, and making site navigation next to impossible. When the image is indeed successfully zoomed in, the address bar is still present (without the opportunity to "scroll to hide"), still taking up 20% of the screen with useless information.
This has been an outstanding issue for a long time, and I believe a significant number of users have experienced similar frustrations.
Kind regards.
03-02-2025 03:18 AM