Can you please file a bug on, we are very interested in fixing those issues and this is the best way to get attention of the right team.
Being able to reproduce the problem on our machines is big help for us, thank you!
Could you please file a report on We’re very interested in fixing any compatibility issues, and reproducing the problem on our machines is a big help!
I 100% agree, this would be a great feature!
It’s already been reported here: Bug 1026479 - Add a unified search across all tools in the toolbox.
Unfortunately, we haven’t found the time to work on this yet.
In the meantime, you can search in the Net...
Can you please file a bug on, we are very interested in fixing those issues.
Being able to reproduce the problem on our machines is big help for us, thank you!
Thank you for reaching out!
We don’t currently plan to implement a feature like Workspaces, but you can use the Style Editor in Firefox DevTools to modify and test CSS changes live, without needing to reload the page.
Style Editor Documentation