Chrome and Edge are built by two of the biggest corporations in the world, that each have a market cap of over two TRILLION dollars. If you have a secret plan for Firefox to outrun those behemoths on useful features, please feel free to try that out....
You give Mozilla the rights necessary to operate Firefox. This includes processing your data as we describe in the Firefox Privacy Notice. It also includes a nonexclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license for the purpose of doing as you request with t...
I can really appreciate that you guys are here interacting with the community as individual contributors. And a lot of the people here who also work in tech are going to be all to familiar with the struggle of having a clear vision of areas that you ...
I wrote a five paragraph comment, spelling out my concerns that the advocates of this feature are entirely missing the point on why so many users are deeply concerned about its implementation like this.To which you apparently responded Just don't use...
This is a forum with a bunch of tech-savvy computer geeks. Not a VC firm with more money than sense. If this post was an announcement that you have developed a machine learning algorithm predicting which tab you want to switch to - that would get a p...