They are not replying to you personally. Not even the trolls. You can manage your notifications (i.e. wholesale turn them on/off for the thread) using the "options" in the top right corner of the page (click that, then click "unsubscribe"). Alternati...
Since I've been active on this forum today for other reasons... figured I may as well check in with another update. Still happening as of 128.7.0esr (64-bit) (still running on Debian 12).
I am happy to see some things resolved in this clarification. However, I am in agreement with Firebird above (and presumably others) that it would be nice to see a more solid, exhaustive list (to the extent possible) of what is meant by the license p...
As a longtime (admittedly not nearly as long of a time as some people here, however) Firefox user, I am very disappointed to see this change and lack of sufficient clarification and segmentation on the changes.This said, I am frequently willing to pl...