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Wrong backup codes, can't login to Mozilla account, can't post on Support or Bugzilla

Making moves


Let me preface this by saying I understand the best place to post this complaint would be Mozilla Support, and the second-best place would be Bugzilla, and this is altogether definitely the wrong place to post the complaint. However, I am unable to post on Support or Bugzilla, because I can't login to my Mozilla account. (This is also the topic of my complaint itself.)

My account is newly created. I have never logged into it; this is my first attempt to login ever. The account email address is, so I wonder if perhaps using an unfamiliar email domain is the problem. If that is the problem, however, then the error message and timing are misleading. Namely:

The login process provided me with a QR code, and I successfully validated the QR code. The login process then provided me a list of ten generated backup codes, and then I was required to enter one of the backup codes. However, none of the backup codes worked. The login process would consistently report something to the effect that there was a problem verifying the backup code. I can't check the exact error message because I'm no longer allowed to even attempt to login.

Obviously, the first thing I did was do a web search to check if anyone else was having this problem. I found one support post about it. That person's problem was that they were entering their entire list of backup codes at once, when they should have been choosing a single backup code and entering that. Thus, I'm aware I'm supposed to be pasting in only one backup code, not the entire list. I was already doing that, so that's not the problem.

Further possibly relevant information: I am on Firefox on Linux with uBlock Origin, and my privacy settings include strict tracking protection, no password saving, no history, and blocking all requests to access location info or notifications.

Please help me recover my account. All I'm trying to do is get my custom extension signed, so I can install it locally on a release build of Firefox, for my own private use.

EDIT: It seems to have been a one-time bug. After my lockout timed out, I tried again and was given a new QR code and a new list of backup codes. The first backup code on that list worked fine. I apologize for the disruption.