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Why I will never use Firefox again (massive fail bookmark sync)

Making moves

Having accumulated too many bookmarks, I decided to clean up

After many hours of tidying up my digital mess I felt much better

Life was good.  Until one day I logged into an old machine I rarely use. 

Firefox made some half-baked attempt at warning me about needing to upgrade Firefox

And now I have thousands of old bookmarks that have magically re-appeared

Did Firefox put them somewhere sensible like in a "restored" folder hierarchy?  No.

It just indiscriminately dumped them on top of my cleaned-up bookmarks

And anyway, what justification can there possibly be for not being able to version manage such an operation?

None.  Nada.  Don't try and tell me otherwise - there is no justification for this and I have lost all trust in the capability of Mozilla developers.  Utterly pathetic and hopeless.

The "algorithm" underlying this failed sync seems to be analogous to

"for each room in house: explode diarrhoea and rub into walls and soft furnishings"

Those responsible should feel a deep sense of shame.

As someone who started coding in the 80s I despair at the state of software development today.