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Thunderbird Supernova (115.3.2) - Inconsistent window layout and symbol list actions

Making moves

Using thunderbird on Winsows 10. Got the new Thunderbird Supernova

Maybe I'm old-fashonied, but I like the menu bar that is common on Windows applications. Thunderbird Supernova shows inconsistent, and very unusual, bevahiour with the menu bar. On the start view (folders on left and mail list on right), the menu bar is show *below* the symbol list (see attachment top part). On the single mail view, the menu bar is show *above* the symbol list, which I consider correct (see attachment bottom part).

The symbol list on the start window only offers "Abrufen", which syncs all mail accounts. On the single mail view, one can choose to sync single accounts or all accounts. This is upside-down! The decision to sync single accounts or all accounts would be apropriate on the start view, where all accounts are listed in the folder list. It doesn't make sense on the single mail view at all.