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Share your feedback on the AI services experiment in Nightly


Hi folks, 

In the next few days, we will start the Nightly experiment which provides easy access to AI services from the sidebar. This functionality is entirely optional, and it’s there to see if it’s a helpful addition to Firefox. It is not built into any core functionality and needs to be turned on by you to see it. 

If you want to try the experiment, activate it via Nightly Settings > Firefox Labs (please see full instructions here). 

We’d love to hear your feedback once you try out the feature, and we’re open to all your ideas and thoughts, whether it’s small tweaks to the current experience or big, creative suggestions that could boost your productivity and make accessing your favorite tools and services in Firefox even easier.

Thanks so much for helping us improve Firefox!

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Making moves

Terrible idea, get it away from me, moving to no Internet ever, dear god, what the hell.

Making moves

@asafko wrote:

Hi folks, 

In the next few days, we will start the Nightly experiment which provides easy access to AI services from the sidebar. This functionality is entirely optional, and it’s there to see if it’s a helpful addition to Firefox. It is not built into any core functionality and needs to be turned on by you to see it. 

If you want to try the experiment, activate it via Nightly Settings > Firefox Labs (please see full instructions here). 

We’d love to hear your feedback once you try out the feature, and we’re open to all your ideas and thoughts, whether it’s small tweaks to the current experience or big, creative suggestions that could boost your productivity and make accessing your favorite tools and services in Firefox even easier.

Thanks so much for helping us improve Firefox!


AI can be an useful tool in certain fields, but the way we have seen it appear in browsers in the last months is far from convenient or ethical. I'm concerned about privacy, what your browser stands for, becoming compromised because of this new feature. The spread of misinformation that usually comes with automatically generated AI answers is also an issue. The ecological impact the servers will have is another. And your model, will it too be trained on the work of small writers and artists that didn't consent to have their already precarious job situation made even more difficult?

I do like Firefox, but if this is implemented I will find an alternative.

Thank you.

Making moves

Terrible idea. I think that, at this point, it is not necessary to explain why. Please, don't do this.

Making moves


A move like this WILL make me move browsers

I made an account purely for this. That's how strongly I feel about it

Making moves

no thanks pls do not kill the environment for no good reason ty

Making moves

No thank you! Not interested! Please dont become like the rest of the techbro corporations who are implementing a useless ai that does nothing but bog down the system. No one will use it because we are a demographic who is very specifically using this web browser to avoid exactly this type of thing, with most other features being added perks. It will do nothing but waste you money on an industrial scale

Making moves

Please, please no.

Making moves

Please don't. I have no desire for any AI services and utilize Firefox in part because, unlike Chrome, it doesn't support AI functionality. I find what we call AI to be incredibly harmful for the sake of dissemination of information, as it is prone to giving you if not incorrect information, utterly fraudulent information. The utilization of it robs creatives of their industries, it robs people of the pleasurable challenge of creativity, and it robs people of their understanding of complex systems. I don't need an AI to help me boost my productivity or access the tools I use most, I need well thought out UI that make me able to do that on my own. I'm sick and tired of AI being shoved down my throat when I think it does nothing but harm people's understanding of their world around them.

Doing my best

Making moves

I don't know if you know the audience Firefox has cultivated, but it is one that is extremely anti-AI. For good reason. AI is useless and bloats software for no reason. NO TO AI!

Making moves

Hi, please do not incorporate AI into Firefox. It undermines your goal of privacy and intellectual property protection. No one wants this.

Making moves

Absolutely not. You're already doing one shady thing, the collecting data for advertising. Don't do this to yourselves. Don't lose the trust you've built year after year. Firefox doesn't need any AI features, I guarantee it. The people using Firefox are not looking to have AI integrated into their browsers.

You guys can do something else to gain appeal. People who you can just swing the sparkly "AI" button in front of their faces and they'll be amazed are not your audience.

Making moves

NO **bleep** AI

Making moves


Making moves

I don't get the point. Do you think users will like to have a sidebar with an app that they can already have in a different tab? And they would need to set it within the browser settings instead of the usual place?

I don't use AI tools but if I would I think I'd prefer just open a new tab just as I do with a search engine.

Making moves

I would not want this. one of the main reasons why I continue to use firefox is because, unlike other major browsers like google chrome, firefox does not implement AI features or functionality. if this were to be implemented, it would be a huge disappointment to me. I know many other users who feel the same way. 

Making moves

You will be boycotted immediately if you implement this. Users choose your browser for privacy and AI is the antithesis of that. Stop while you can.

Making moves


Making moves


I have no interest in AI as part of my browser, and will be working to avoid this update whenever possible. I do not need it and in fact actively do not want it. It makes the entire experience worse.

Making moves

Adding Ai will be one of the worst choices you could make for Firefox. Please remove it we don't need AI in a good browser

Making moves

no one asked for this so why is everyone getting force-fed with it?

Making moves

Please for the love of god don't use AI, please don't do it!

Making moves

Oh my God no, google is 100% useless now due to AI and is part of WHY I switched to Firefox bc it still works

Making moves

No. I really don't want to leave Firefox but if you go into the business of theft and destroying the planet just for some trendy soulless cash, I'll just stop browsing the internet and go live in the woods while they still exist I guess. AI chatbots belong in the trash.

Making moves

this is the one browser free from the mediocre theft machine please dont ducking change that

Making moves

look i get you're making it "totally optional"; except you aren't, can't opt out of being stolen from, can't opt out of depleted aquifers, can't opt out of the environmental damage or the damage to collective truth

Making moves

I'm really disappointed to see Firefox jumping on the AI bull**bleep** bandwagon. It causes more problems than it solves, and yet it spreads. The environmental and energy costs are very high, as is the potential to promote misinformation. It is making the internet worse.

Making moves

Firefox doesn't need this AI crap.

Making moves

No AI bull**bleep** please

Making moves

I’m not interested in this at all. I want none of the recent generative AI features added to Mozilla Firefox. I don’t understand what I would use it for that I can’t do with existing tools, and I don’t trust it to generate usable results. 

I appreciate that you guys are reaching out and asking for user feedback. It makes me happy to know that Firefox’s developers care about their userbase’s needs. I am only one user. Here is my feedback: no thank you. 

Making moves

Absolutely no. I don't want it in my binaries, even if it can be disabled.

Making moves

If it could be available in my language it would be great.

Making moves

Absolutely not. I don't want my data harvested for money. I will uninstall if this happens

Making moves


Making moves

Bad scripts that jumble information and send out-and-out lies? Think I'll pass on that one, thanks.

(How is this even a question from the tech knowledgeable geeks at Mozilla?!)


Making moves

I do not look forward to, want, or need AI services in my web browser. I do not trust the information provided by AI, and see the effects of the dubious and straight up incorrect information provided by AI services used by other websites and browser in my job as an educator.

I'm honestly disappointed in this move, and hope it gets scrapped.

Making moves


Making moves

I would prefer not to, both because I have a distaste for generative AI for various reasons, and because AI is not a feature I feel needs to be browser integrated. In much the same way I dislike Microsoft’s blending on system and online results in the toolbar search, I dislike anything that might allow AI to be misconstrued as a human written source. 

Making moves

You are the safe web browser in a sea of web browsers that force ai onto us when it just hurts our oceans, wastes energy, and enables the wealthy to use emotionless replicas of the skilled underclass for their own gain. If you want to lose a significant portion of your userbase, go ahead. If you use AI you are getting rid of one of the things people love about this site.

In conclusion: absolutely not. don't touch it. stay away. me and many others will find an alternative if you do ❤️

Making moves
