07-16-2024 07:33 PM
Performance definitely seems to be much worse under 128. Is there any way I can figure out for certain if it's Firefox or something else going on? The most visible diagnostic I know about involves the Task Manager which shows a lot of mysterious System activity. Negative evidence from Safari on a Mac that shows no notable performance changes.
I still think the bottom line is the business model. Why would I donate when the changes are almost always for the worse? Sorry, but I cannot remember the last time I noticed a change that I would have donated to support. Perhaps even worse, I have noticed a couple of changes I might donate for, but there is no mechanism to do that. So in the form of a question, if you could donate specifically to a specific feature, would you? The idea would be to implement changes only AFTER enough people want to pay. And if it ain't broke, STOP FIXING IT. It's definitely broke now.