11-28-2024 11:35 AM
Buttons are universally activated with a single click; what is the reason for toggling tab groups with a double-click? It also doesn't have a pointer cursor, which is another standard visual cue for buttons.
12-12-2024 02:36 AM
Agree fully, one click to open and close a tap group; now it is double-click
I have another problem. if I open a new website in the last one of one tab group, the new tab is not opened in the same tab group (as expected) BUT it opens the next tap group and put the new tap in the next tab group. This must be a bug as it is very much un-acceptable.
01-03-2025 07:29 PM
It looks like it's working as it should now—just one click! The only thing that still bothers me about tab groups is that you can't drag and move around the entire group by holding the group name like you can in Chrome, or even drag outside the window to create a new windows with only that group's tabs.
01-03-2025 07:53 PM
strange is that on my notebook with Ubuntu indeed a one click opens/close a tab group, however on my PC with Windows11 I still today need a double click
what I find especially disturbing is that when you visit the last website in a group tab, and you open a link, the new tab is included in the next tab group, even when that tab group is closed. when you open a link in a tab which is not the last tab in a group, than the new tab opens in the tab-group you are in: which I think should be done for all the tabs in a tab group. well this might be improved later on.