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Fix FF so all vids play as they ought! What an idea! --> media.wmf.dxva.d3d11.enabled

Making moves

Vids -- all I've tried, play just fine in Google Chrome.  In FF, not so much.  Just now, tried to play an American Greetings vid -- an MP4 -- in FF, wouldn't go at all.  Looked up solutions and tried several.  No joy.  Tried this one: in about:config set (a setting this stupid board won't let me paste in the text box, so it's in the header) to false.  That one worked to the extant that a frame or two advanced with every click on the play triangle.  Over on Google Chrome, all worked as it ought.  According to many many postings on reddit and elsewhere, FF has regular troubles with vids from all sources.  I had noticed it before here and there but was not greatly concerned.  Today, I was annoyed.  I suspect that FF has handshaking problems with certain vid players used by the various sites.  Needs attention.  And that's my good idea for the day.