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Firefox infecting phones with illegal hidden automaticly enabled tracking

Making moves

I consider your automatic update to firefox 128.0 a violation of users rights and privacy.


You are clearly violating GDPR purposefully because you knew users would never opt in to having new tracking malware installed via firefox.


You claim you have hidden this in patchnotes and in the settings because "users wouldnt understand".

I understand this: You have deliberatly infected millions of user devices with tracking malware, you have deliberatly hidden this from all patchnotes on all devices - thus it can only be conclided you acted purposfully in a most criminal for-profit manner.

You are doing things much worse rhan google at this very monent, while promiseing user privacy.

All the individuals data is sent to your servers before going to advertisers.

This means that you now hold a monopoly on illegally gathered user-data and you hold every click every firefox user makes - illegally - on your badly protected aggregation servers.


Should you not immediatly stop this conduct and should you not immediatly wipe all collected data from your aggregation servers, there will be legal consequences.


Relevant EU authorities will be notified of your most despicable conduct.

The fact that you do this on the back of donors, that gave you money to provide a product that ensures privacy, and the fact that you used this money instead to buy a company you wouldnt ever need to improve furefox as it was, and then you started tracking every single user and all their clicks illegally and without anyones consent makes it look like you engage in organized crime. Utterly despicable.