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Authentication Ticket Mismatched, failed authentication / comment content lost

Making moves

Hi 🙂

There is sth going wrong.

When I write a comment, then I click on "post your comment", and then, for any reason, I get "Authentication Ticket Mismatched, failed authentication",

at this time the comment I wrote is lost !! I can't recover it by clicking on previous page.


Is it possible to correct that please ?

It's very wrong, because I don't think about copy the text each time just before click on "post your comment", so i need to rewrite all ... 😞


RAPID maintainer

Making moves

This authentication pb just happened now for me, whereas I was writing and 1 minute before it saved the draft. So it doesn't seem to be a timeout pb.

(Hopefully this time I saw it just before clicking on post. But it was not evident.)


Isn't anyone else annoyed by this pb ??


RAPID maintainer


This could be related to "Total Cookie Protection," a feature that limits how sites can use "third party" or "cross-site" cookies, meaning cookies from different websites than the one you see in the address bar. Many sites use comment systems like Disqus which are hosted on a different server.

You can make exceptions to this feature when needed. More info in the following articles:

Any difference?