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Ability to change Firefox Relay email Username

Making moves

It would be great if we could be provided with the option to change our Username for the Firefox Relay email masks. When a new email mask is generated on Firefox Relay, I am provided with an email address with a completely random username that I could not modify. I would really love to have the option of modifying the username of the email masks.

Take the Duck Duck Go email protection feature for example, you can set-up your own email address. Perhaps something similar could be done with the email masks in Firefox Relay.



If you're in a country where Firefox Relay Premium is available, it allows you to claim your own Relay subdomain for which you can create arbitrary email addresses. That said, I should also stress that doing so makes you more identifiable, by providing more information that can be used to de-anonymise you.

Making moves

Currently, Firefox Relay does not allow users to change their email username once it's created. You may need to delete the existing alias and generate a new one if you want a different username. Check Mozilla’s official support for any updates on this feature..